Set Webhook API - Payouts

You can configure webhooks using PayU Dashboard too. For more information, check PayU Dashboard. This section describes how to configure the webhook URL using API.

Request header parameters

Authorization mandatoryString Specify the access token generated earlier in this parameter.Bearer {access_token}
payoutMerchantId mandatoryString Specify the payout merchant id provided while onboarding or creating Payout account.1111126
String Indicates the format in which the request is sent.application/json



The pid is payoutMerchantId, however it is different from the PayU merchant id. Check the Payouts Dashboard or call the PayU Customer Support if you don’t know your payoutsMerchantID.

Request Parameters

webhook mandatoryConfigure the webhooks for different type of events. The event can be any of the following:transfer_reversed
values.url mandatoryThis is the post URL of the API where the merchant will listen to PayU events. In other words, this is the webhook URL. 
values.authorization optionalMerchant can provide this value which will be sent in the header while pushing the payouts event to the merchant.Using this merchant can authenticate that request is coming from PayU. ##

Sample request

curl --location '' \

--header 'payoutMerchantId: 2xxx79' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--header 'Authorization: Bearer 2a641dc44dc488360xxxxxxxxxx19292bce79d341169b67a' \

--data '[


    "webhook" :"default",

     "values": {








  • You ned to whitelist PayU for a server call to your webhook API.
  • Set Webhook API that you had created should be of type as POST

Sample response

  • Success scenario
 "status": 0,
 "msg": "Webhook saved successfully",
 "code": null,
 "data": null
  • Failure scenario
 "status": 1,
 "msg": "Webhook url is invalid",
 "code": 20407,
 "data": null