Get Aggregator/Parent Transaction Info API

The Get Aggregator Transactions API is for getting the transaction info of parent merchants in the Aggregator flow.


Response parameters and sample response
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'key=A****J' \
--data-urlencode 'command=get_aggregator_transactions' \
--data-urlencode 'var1=2021-12-29 22:00' \
--data-urlencode 'hash=586e3379b3d9f90682329cf7efd27273aeb290936d9edf98686370bc59fdc67b06c57a5201b9bd193dc0f00fe6ecd821f60d81d5789ca2ee516db309f28025e9' \
--data-urlencode 'var2=2021-12-29 22:30' \
--data-urlencode 'var3=1' \
--data-urlencode 'var4=100' \
--data-urlencode 'var5='
Response parameters and sample response
statusThis parameter contains the status of response. It can be any of the following:

- 0: Failed
- 1:Success
msgThis parameter contains the response or error message.
Transaction_detailsThis parameter contains the transaction details in an array format and it is displayed only when the status field returns the value as 1. For more information on each field in the array and sample, refer to the next table.

Fields in the Transaction_details array

idThis field contains the PayU transaction ID.
statusThis field contains the transaction status.
keyThis field contains the parent merchant key.
merchantnameThis field contains the parent merchant name.
txnidThis field contains the transaction ID.
base_idThis field contains the base PayU Transaction ID. It will be null for a parent transaction.
firstnameThis field contains the first name of the customer who did the transaction.
lastnameThis field contains the last name of the customer who did the transaction.
addedonThis field contains the transaction created date and time. Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss
bank_nameThis field contains the bank name of payment transaction.
payment_gatewayThis field contains the payment gateway used in the transaction.
phoneThis field contains the contact number of the customer who did the transaction.
emailThis field contains the email ID of the customer who did the transaction.
transaction_feeThis field contains the transaction fee without discount and additional charges.
amountThis field contains the total amount paid by customer.
discountThis field contains the discount or Subvention charges on the transaction.
additional_chargesThis field contains the additional charges on transaction.
productinfoThis field contains the product information provided by merchant.
error_codeThis field contains the transaction error code. For more information on errors, refer to Error Handling
bank_ref_noThis field contains the bank reference number.
ibibo_codeThis field contains the IBIBO Code or bank_code that was submitted in transaction by the merchant to PayU.
modeThis field contains the Mode of transaction, such as, CC, DC, NB, EMI.
address2This field contains the address of the customer.
cityThis field contains the city of the customer.
zipcodeThis field contains the PIN code of the customer.
pg_midThis field contains the PG ID.
offer_typeThis field contains the offer type if any offers were used.
splitCreatedThis field contains no value or null.
is_parent_transactionThis field contains any of the the flag to indicate whether it is a Parent Transaction:

- true; When the transaction is a parent transaction
- false ; When the transaction is not a parent transaction
splitInfoThis field contains no value or null for child transactions.
Sample response
    "status": 1,
    "msg": "Transaction Fetched Successfully",
    "Transaction_details": [
            "id": "412345678912384148",
            "status": "captured",
            "key": "A***J",
            "merchantname": "Aggregator-Parent",
            "txnid": "2c1c4431f3fcf5a98a66",
            "base_id": null,
            "firstname": "Payu-Admin",
            "lastname": "",
            "addedon": "2021-12-29 22:11:08",
            "bank_name": "Credit Cards",
            "payment_gateway": "AxisCYBER",
            "phone": "1234567890",
            "email": "",
            "transaction_fee": "10.00",
            "amount": "10.00",
            "discount": "0.00",
            "additional_charges": "0.00",
            "productinfo": "Product Info",
            "error_code": "E000",
            "bank_ref_no": "5192296867061049177385",
            "ibibo_code": "CC",
            "mode": "CC",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "",
            "zipcode": "",
            "pg_mid": null,
            "offer_type": null,
            "splitCreated": true,
            "is_parent_transaction": true,
            "splitInfo": [
                    "id": "412345678912384152",
                    "status": "captured",
                    "merchantId": "39032915",
                    "key": "P****Y",
                    "txnid": "2c1c4431f3fcf5a98a661",
                    "addedon": "2021-12-29 22:11:53",
                    "transaction_fee": "3.00",
                    "amount": "3.00",
                    "discount": "0.00",
                    "additional_charges": "0.00"
                    "id": "412345678912384153",
                    "status": "captured",
                    "merchantId": "39032916",
                    "key": "P****K",
                    "txnid": "2c1c4431f3fcf5a98a662",
                    "addedon": "2021-12-29 22:11:53",
                    "transaction_fee": "5.00",
                    "amount": "5.00",
                    "discount": "0.00",
                    "additional_charges": "0.00"
                    "id": "412345678912384154",
                    "status": "captured",
                    "merchantId": "39032914",
                    "key": "A****J",
                    "txnid": "2c1c4431f3fcf5a98a66",
                    "addedon": "2021-12-29 22:11:53",
                    "transaction_fee": "2.00",
                    "amount": "2.00",
                    "discount": "0.00",
                    "additional_charges": "0.00"
            "id": "412345678912384155",
            "status": "bounced",
            "key": "A****J",
            "merchantname": "Aggregator-Parent",
            "txnid": "02b3e5b6bc97dc3a3418",
            "base_id": null,
            "firstname": "Payu-Admin",
            "lastname": "",
            "addedon": "2021-12-29 22:13:08",
            "bank_name": "Credit Cards",
            "payment_gateway": "AxisCYBER",
            "phone": "1234567890",
            "email": "",
            "transaction_fee": "11.00",
            "amount": "11.00",
            "discount": "0.00",
            "additional_charges": "0.00",
            "productinfo": "Product Info",
            "error_code": "E501",
            "bank_ref_no": null,
            "ibibo_code": "CC",
            "mode": "CC",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "",
            "zipcode": "",
            "pg_mid": null,
            "offer_type": null,
            "splitCreated": false,
            "is_parent_transaction": true,
            "splitInfo": null
            "id": "412345678912384156",
            "status": "captured",
            "key": "A****J",
            "merchantname": "Aggregator-Parent",
            "txnid": "61c21439bbd4609e258b",
            "base_id": null,
            "firstname": "Payu-Admin",
            "lastname": "",
            "addedon": "2021-12-29 22:14:23",
            "bank_name": "Credit Cards",
            "payment_gateway": "AxisCYBER",
            "phone": "1234567890",
            "email": "",
            "transaction_fee": "11.00",
            "amount": "11.00",
            "discount": "0.00",
            "additional_charges": "0.00",
            "productinfo": "Product Info",
            "error_code": "E000",
            "bank_ref_no": "6333825950714879001604",
            "ibibo_code": "CC",
            "mode": "CC",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "",
            "zipcode": "",
            "pg_mid": null,
            "offer_type": null,
            "splitCreated": true,
            "is_parent_transaction": true,
            "splitInfo": [
                    "id": "412345678912384160",
                    "status": "captured",
                    "merchantId": "39032915",
                    "key": "P****Y",
                    "txnid": "61c21439bbd4609e258b1",
                    "addedon": "2021-12-29 22:14:40",
                    "transaction_fee": "3.00",
                    "amount": "3.00",
                    "discount": "0.00",
                    "additional_charges": "0.00"
                    "id": "412345678912384161",
                    "status": "captured",
                    "merchantId": "39032916",
                    "key": "P****K",
                    "txnid": "61c21439bbd4609e258b2",
                    "addedon": "2021-12-29 22:14:40",
                    "transaction_fee": "6.00",
                    "amount": "6.00",
                    "discount": "0.00",
                    "additional_charges": "0.00"
                    "id": "412345678912384162",
                    "status": "captured",
                    "merchantId": "39032914",
                    "key": "A****J",
                    "txnid": "61c21439bbd4609e258b",
                    "addedon": "2021-12-29 22:14:40",
                    "transaction_fee": "2.00",
                    "amount": "2.00",
                    "discount": "0.00",
                    "additional_charges": "0.00"

For the sample response, refer to Additional Info for Split Settlements APIs.

Request parameters

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!