Get BIN Info API

The Get BIN Info API or getBinInfo API is used to determine the following for a single card or multiple cards:

  • card’s issuing bank
  • card type such as, Visa, Master, etc.
  • card category such as Credit/Debit, etc.
  • cards with zero redirect support
  • cards with SI support

You can fetch cards details with the following specific feature-level information:

  • Complete BIN list having ATM PIN support is required
  • Complete BIN list with OTP-on-the-fly support (IVR) is required

When fetching multiple card details, you can limit the number of card details in the response using the start index and offset.


Sample request

For single card

The following values are specified in the var1, var2, and var5 for this scenario:

  • var 1 = 1
  • var 2 = 512345
  • var5 = 1
curl -X POST "
-H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d


For multiple cards

curl -X POST "
-H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d




Sample response

Success Scenario

For single card:

    [status] => 1
    [data] => Array
            [bins_data] => Array
                    [issuing_bank] => HDFC
                    [bin] => 512345
                    [category] => creditcard
                    [card_type] => MAST
                    [is_domestic] => 1
                    [is_atmpin_card] => 1
                    [is_otp_on_the_fly] => 1
                    [is_zero_redirect_supported] => 1
                    [is_si_supported] => 0





Ensure that the value of the is_otp_on_the_fly parameter is 1. Only if the value is 1, you can fetch the card details with the Native OTP support.

For multiple cards:

    [status] => 1
    [data] => Array
            [total_count] => 2580
            [last] => 0
            [bins_data] => Array
                    [37100] => Array
                            [issuing_bank] => AMEX
                            [bin] => 37100
                            [category] => UNKNOWN
                            [card_type] => AMEX
                            [is_domestic] => 1
                            [is_atmpin_card] => 1
                            [is_otp_on_the_fly] => 1

                    [37200] => Array
                            [issuing_bank] => AMEX
                            [bin] => 37200
                            [category] => UNKNOWN
                            [card_type] => AMEX
                            [is_domestic] => 1
                            [is_atmpin_card] => 1
                            [is_otp_on_the_fly] => 1

                    [37443] => Array
                            [issuing_bank] => AMEX
                            [bin] => 37443
                            [category] => UNKNOWN
                            [card_type] => AMEX
                            [is_domestic] => 1
                            [is_atmpin_card] => 1
                            [is_otp_on_the_fly] => 1

                    [37653] => Array
                            [issuing_bank] => AMEX
                            [bin] => 37653
                            [category] => UNKNOWN
                            [card_type] => AMEX
                            [is_domestic] => 1
                            [is_atmpin_card] => 1
                            [is_otp_on_the_fly] => 1

                    [37700] => Array
                            [issuing_bank] => AMEX
                            [bin] => 37700
                            [category] => UNKNOWN
                            [card_type] => AMEX
                            [is_domestic] => 1
                            [is_atmpin_card] => 1
                            [is_otp_on_the_fly] => 1


            [nextStart] => 6


Failure scenario

If BIN is not passed with var2 when requesting for single BIN details (var1=1):

    [status] => 0
    [data] => Invalid bin passed in var2

If BIN is passed with var2 when multiple card details are request (var1=2):

    [status] => 0
    [data] => Invalid var2, it should be either 1 or 2 according to feature

If BIN is passed with var2 and multiple card details are requested (var1=3):

    [status] => 0
    [data] => Invalid var2, it should be empty as var1 is 3
Response parameters description
statusThis parameters provides the response whether the API was successful or not. This response value can contain any of the following:

- 0 signifies that the API was not successful or invalid details.
- 1 signifies that the API was successful in fetching the details.
dataThe card details are displayed in a JSON format. For more information, refer to the next table.

When multiple cards are queried using this API, the fields in the following table are displayed in the JSON format:

total_countThe total number of card details fetched and displayed in JSON format.
lastThis parameter returns any of the following values based on the last page of BIN information displayed:

- 0: The value 0 (zero) is returned if this the not last set of bin information returned. - 1: The value 1 is returned if this the last set of bin information returned. For example, if the total_count=2308 of bins are returned for a query, if you are posting var3=2300 (index) and var4=10 (offset), the last eight bins information are displayed and this parameter value is 1
bins_dataThe BIN information of the cards are displayed in a JSON array format and details of fields in each JSON are described in the next table.
next_startThe index of the card next start is returned in the response.

For multiple cards, the card details in the bins_data field are in a JSON array format, and fields in each JSON are described in the following table. For a single card, only the fields are displayed in JSON format.


Enable additionalCardType parameter:

To receive the response for the additionalCardType parameter or enable this parameter, you need to contact your PayU Key Account Manager (KAM) or PayU Support.

issuingBankThe issuing bank of the card used for the transaction
binThe BIN number of the card is displayed in the response.
categoryResponse value can contain any of the following: creditcard signifies that the particular bin is a credit card BIN debitcard signifies that the particular bin is a debit card BIN

card_typeResponse value can contain any of the following:

- Unknown
isDomesticResponse value can contain any of the following:

- 1 signifies that the particular BIN is Domestic.
- 0 signifies that the particular BIN is International.

additonalCardTypeThe response contains any of the following values to show if it is corporate or prepaid card:

- CE - Corporate card
- PE - Prepaid cardNote: To receive the response for this parameter or enable this parameter, you need to contact your PayU Key Account Manager (KAM) or PayU Support.
is_atmpin_cardResponse value can contain any of the following:

- 0 signifies that the card is not an ATM card.
- 1 signifies that the card is an ATM card.
is_otp_on_the_flyResponse value can contain any of the following:

- 0 signifies that the card does not have OTP on the fly facility.
- 1 signifies that the card have OTP on the fly facility.
messageVersionResponse value will contain the 3DS version supported by the CardBin/CardNumber. For example, it can be any of the following:

- 1.0.2
- 2.1.0
- 2.2.0
Note: This response parameter value is shown only if var7 parameter value is posted in the request.

To learn more about the possible error codes and their description, refer to Error Codes.

Request parameters

Reference information for request parameters
keyFor more information on how to generate the Key and Salt, refer to any of the following:

- Production: Generate Merchant Key and Salt
- Test: Generate Test Merchant Key and Salt
hashHash logic for this API is:
var1Specify any of the following values in this field based on the output you required:

- 1: Specify this value if a single bin-level information is required. Output contains the information on a single bin only.

- 2: Specify this value if a specific feature-level information is required. Output would give the bin list.
- 3: Specify this value if all the bins and their information are required
var2The value specified in this parameter is based on any of the following var1 parameter value.

If var1 = 1, specify the bin number in the var2 parameter.

If var1 = 2, specify any of the following values:

- 1: Specify this value to get complete bin list having ATM PIN support is required

- 2: Specify this value to get complete bin list with OTP-on-the-fly support (IVR) is required
var3Specify the start index in this parameter. By default, the value will be set as 0.
var4The offset is specified in this field. This is useful when several card bins are returned and you can display number of bins per page based on the offset. By default, it is set as 100.
var5The parameter is used to check whether the Native OTP or SI is supported by the card. The is_zero_redirect_supported and is_si_supported parameters return the response for the following cases:

- If var1=1 and var5=1, two extra parameters will be sent in response:
- is_zero_redirect_supported
- is_si_supported
- If var1 is specified with the value as 2 or 3 and var5 is specified as 0 or 1, and the is_zero_redirect_supported and is_si_supported parameters will not return a response
Note: The var2 parameter value needs to be posted according to the var1 parameter value.

Use the following sample values while trying out the API:

Example values

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!