Get All Refunds from Transaction IDs API

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The Get All Refunds for a Transaction ID API (getAllRefundsFromTxnIds) command is used to retrieve the status of all the refund requests fired for a particular Transaction ID. The output of this API provides the request ID, and the PG used the status of a refund request and the creation of refund date information. It returns any of the following the states:

  • QUEUED : This indicates that the refund is accepted by PayU, but not sent to the downstream banking partner for processing.
  • SUCCESS : This indicates that the refund is processed successfully.
  • FAILURE : This indicates that refund processing failed. No funds are deducted for such refunds from the merchant’s settlement.
  • IN PROGRESS : This indicates that the refund is raised to the bank for processing.
  • REQUESTED : This indicates that the refund is sent to the bank for offline processing. In such cases, it takes upto 5-7 business days for the credit to reflect into the customer’s account.
  • PENDING: This indicates that the Overdraft has occurred( Insufficient funds in account ) In such cases, it takes upto 5-7 business days for the credit to reflect into the customer’s account.


Sample request
curl -X POST " -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "key=JP***g&command=getAllRefundsFromTxnIds&var1=db97dd56eff7296e5061&hash=69543c08018121cc882d2f8b1761567367c1806becde3db7f54ab552362677cc08d8dfa4b9411e234e4876e6aba80c05a32e75ed499aff458c7f6027bf4ef2a8"
Sample response

Success Scenario

On successful processing from PayU, the response is similar to the following:

{ "status": 1, "msg": "Refunds fetched successfully.", "Refund Details": { "403993715521937565": [ { "PayuID": "403993715521937565", "RequestID": "131278422", "RefundToken": "RefundToken1", "PaymentGateway": "AXISPG", "Amount": "10.00", "Status": "success", "RefundCreationDate": "2020-11-05 01:23:19", "bank_ref_no": "527013524405", "bank_arn": null, "success_at": "2020-11-05 01:24:04" }, { "PayuID": "403993715521937565", "RequestID": "131278430", "RefundToken": "RefundToken2", "PaymentGateway": "AXISPG", "Amount": "10.00", "Status": "success", "RefundCreationDate": "2020-11-05 01:29:13", "bank_ref_no": "527013524405", "bank_arn": null, "success_at": "2020-11-05 01:30:08" }, { "PayuID": "403993715521937565", "RequestID": "131278458", "RefundToken": "RefundToken3", "PaymentGateway": "AXISPG", "Amount": "10.00", "Status": "success", "RefundCreationDate": "2020-11-05 01:47:36", "bank_ref_no": "527013524405", "bank_arn": null, "success_at": "2020-11-05 01:49:04" }, { "PayuID": "403993715521937565", "RequestID": "131278471", "RefundToken": "RefundToken4", "PaymentGateway": "AXISPG", "Amount": "10.00", "Status": "success", "RefundCreationDate": "2020-11-05 01:53:28", "bank_ref_no": "527013524405", "bank_arn": null, "success_at": "2020-11-05 01:55:05" }, { "PayuID": "403993715521937565", "RequestID": "131278484", "RefundToken": "RefundToken5", "PaymentGateway": "AXISPG", "Amount": "10.00", "Status": "success", "RefundCreationDate": "2020-11-05 01:58:32", "bank_ref_no": "527013524405", "bank_arn": null, "success_at": "2020-11-05 02:00:09" }, { "PayuID": "403993715521937565", "RequestID": "131278499", "RefundToken": "RefundToken6", "PaymentGateway": "AXISPG", "Amount": "10.00", "Status": "success", "RefundCreationDate": "2020-11-05 02:05:42", "bank_ref_no": "527013524405", "bank_arn": null, "success_at": "2020-11-05 02:07:04" }, { "PayuID": "403993715521937565", "RequestID": "131278515", "RefundToken": "RefundToken7", "PaymentGateway": "AXISPG", "Amount": "10.00", "Status": "success", "RefundCreationDate": "2020-11-05 02:15:11", "bank_ref_no": "527013524405", "bank_arn": null, "success_at": "2020-11-05 02:16:03" }, { "PayuID": "403993715521937565", "RequestID": "131287648", "RefundToken": "RefundToken8", "PaymentGateway": "AXISPG", "Amount": "10.00", "Status": "success", "RefundCreationDate": "2020-11-06 19:21:32", "bank_ref_no": "527013524405", "bank_arn": null, "success_at": "2021-01-28 10:25:17" }, { "PayuID": "403993715521937565", "RequestID": "131295795", "RefundToken": "RefundToken9", "PaymentGateway": "AXISPG", "Amount": "10.00", "Status": "success", "RefundCreationDate": "2020-11-09 18:59:45", "bank_ref_no": "527013524405", "bank_arn": null, "success_at": "2021-02-10 01:01:14" }, { "PayuID": "403993715521937565", "RequestID": "131297379", "RefundToken": "RefundToken10", "PaymentGateway": "AXISPG", "Amount": "10.00", "Status": "success", "RefundCreationDate": "2020-11-10 09:39:33", "bank_ref_no": "527013524405", "bank_arn": null, "success_at": "2021-02-01 15:50:25" } ] } }

Failure scenario

If no refunds found for the transaction:

      "status": 1,
      "msg": "No Refunds Found for the transaction."
Response parameters description
statusThe status of the response can be any of the following:

- 1: Success
- 2: Failure
msgThe description of the response whether the card details were stored successfully or not.Refunds fetched successfully.
Refund DetailsThe details are sent by PayU in JSON format for the successful response. For more information, refer to Additional Info for General APIs.

Request parameters

Reference information for request parameters
keyFor more information on how to generate the Key and Salt, refer to any of the following:

- Production: Generate Merchant Key and Salt

- Test: Generate Test Merchant Key and Salt
hashHash logic for this API is:

Example values

Use the following sample values while trying out the API:

  • var1 (txnid): db97dd56eff7296e5061
Query Params
Form Data

This parameter must contain the merchant key provided by PayU.


This parameter must have the getAllRefundsFromTxnIds as command name..


This parameter must contain the transaction ID of the transaction.


This parameter must contain the hash value to be calculated at your end. The string used for calculating the hash is in the following format: sha512(key|command|var1|salt)

Please regenerate hash at the end everytime you make a change to the request parameters


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