Integrated Static Bharat QR Generation API

The Static QR Generation API is used to generate Static UPI or Bharat QR. The QR generated through this API is interoperable and can be used by any UPI application like Google Pay, PhonePe, etc. These QR codes can be used for accepting multiple transactions where customers can select the exact amount by themselves before making the payment. Bharat QR can also be scanned using mobile banking and credit card applications like (iMobile, SBI cards, etc.) to make transactions using debit cards and credit cards.

Request parameters

ParameterDescriptionSample Value
string This parameter must include the merchant key that was provided by PayUvDy3i7
string The parameter must contain the name of the web service. For this API, generate_integrated_static_qr must be posted.generate_integrated_static_qr
string This parameter must contain the hash value to be calculated at your end. The string used for calculating the hash is mentioned below:

sha512 is the encryption method used here.
json This parameter will include a JSON format of the transaction details. For more information, refer to the >.Refer the VAR SAMPLE section.

Description of var1 parameter fields


numeric Merchant Transaction Identifier. Should be unique & numeric special (less than or equal to 20 characters & Only "." is allowed)1234abcd
string Merchant's VPA in which payment will be collected.VPA to be embedded in QR. Should be unique & alphanumeric special (less than or equal to 50 characters & Only "@", ".", "," are allowed). The variable part of the VPA series can only be numeric, for eg. if the series configured is .payu@hdfc then the VPA can only be 123445.payu@hdfc and not a13s.payu@hdfc ( part of the series will always be numeric)instadummy.001@hdfcbank
string Customer details, to be embedded in QR (less than or equal to 20 characters).If not sent, merchant’s name registered during the onboarding process will be used.Test User

string Customer details, to be embedded in QR (less than or equal to 15 characters).If not sent, merchant’s city registered during the onboarding process will be usedGurgaon

string Customer details, to be embedded in the QR(less than or equal to 10 characters). If not sent, merchant’s pincode registered during the onboarding process will be used.122001

string QR generation flag. Fixed value - qrqr
string Customer address(less than or equal to 100 characters).Payu, Bestech Business Tower, Gurgaon
udf1 - udf5

string udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4 and udf5 can be sent in request to include any transactional information.
string outputType can be '', 'string' and 'base64'. By default, base64 json encoded qrSting in response is sent.string

string submerchantRegistration can be '1'or '0'. If '1' is passed then the request is passed to the acquiring bank and if '0' is passed the request is processed internally at PayU end.1 or 0

string mebussname will be visible to the customers upon scanning this QR.
For non-aggregator merchants, the mebussname will be picked up from the details registered with PayU. Any detail passed by the merchant would be ignored.
For aggregator-merchants, the mebussname passed in this key should largely match with the name on the PAN card of the details passed in the panNo key.
This key is mandatory for the aggregator-merchants

string This will be the phone number associated for the entity for whom VPA is being created.
For non-aggregator merchants, it will be picked up from the details registered with PayU. Any detail passed by the merchant would be ignored. For aggregator-merchants, the strCntMobile is mandatory.

string This will be the pan number associated for the entity for whom VPA is being created.
For non-aggregator merchants, the panNo will be picked up from the details registered with PayU. Any detail passed by the merchant would be ignored
For aggregator-merchants, the panNo of the actual beneficiary needs to be passed. This key is mandatory for the aggregator-merchants.

string This will be the legal name associated for the entity for whom VPA is being created.
For non-aggregator merchants, it will be picked up from the details registered with PayU. Any detail passed by the merchant would be ignored.
For aggregator-merchants, the legalStrName should largely match with the name on the PAN card of the details passed in the panNo key. This key is mandatory for the aggregator-merchants.
PayU payments pvt ltd

string Merchant Category code is as per NPCI guidelines and is typically a numeric value of length = 4.
For non-aggregator merchants, the merchant category code will be picked up from the details registered with PayU. Any detail passed by the merchant would be ignored.
For aggregator-merchants, the merchant category code of the actual beneficiary needs to be passed.
This key is mandatory for the aggregator-merchants

var1 sample

The var1 parameter is similar to the following JSON format and description of fields in the JSON is described in the following table:

{ "vendorKey": "test", "qrName": "ronaldo", "qrCity": "madrid", "qrPinCode": "28001" }

Response parameters

imageImage of the QR code will be returned, either BQR or UPI QR
stringQR String is plain text will be returned in response along with QR ID & VPA associated to the QR, the QR string can be converted into image and used for accepting transactions.
base64Base 64 encoded string will be returned in response along with QR ID & VPA associated to the QR, the encoded string provides a layer of security which can be eventually converted into image and used for accepting transactions



  • The QrName, qrCity and qrPincode parameters are optional. The following values for these parameters are embedded in the QR when these parameters is empty or not set, merchant details are used as follows:
    • qrName: Merchant’s name registered during the onboarding process.
    • qrCity: Merchant’s city registered during the onboarding process.
    • qrPinCode: Merchant’s PIN code registered during the onboarding process.
  • The customer details are optional. If not posted, the default value is null. The following rules are to be followed while sending customer details:
    • Phone number and email address are to be sent in their respective formats.
    • customerAddress can be up to 100 characters. The first 100 characters will be truncated if the value is more than 100 characters for this parameter.
  • VendorKey should always be unique and different for every new QR generated. The parameter should be alphanumeric & less than or equal to 10 characters.
  • The response sent for QR generation request is JSON encoded and will be a base64 encoded string of the actual QR image, so to obtain the actual QR image, first decode the json encoded response and then convert the base64 encoded string to actual QR image.
  • For every QR generation request, in the response PayU will share back the unique identifier, qrId, embedded in the QR. This reference id is generated based on the vendor key shared in the QR generation request.
  • Map the QR image to this qrId and with respective terminal at which you will use this QR. These details need to be sent to PayU during payment initiation request sent for a particular terminal.

Sample request

  • Static UPI QR
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder() .build(); MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "command=generate_dynamic_bharat_qr&key=vDy3i7&hash=87617bd37d7f2d627c5117ce0f1a97839200870c3281764bad542c90fc9684a2e2108257dfebbb32cfc4c2a83aa4b9bfe7761da745b14b3df2525e75a4eb6846&var1={\"transactionId\":\"DBQR1981\",\"transactionAmount\":\"1\",\"merchantVpa\":\"gauravdua1.payu@indus\",\"expiryTime\":\"3600\",\"qrName\":\"payu\",\"qrCity\":\"Gurgaon\",\"qrPinCode\":\"122001\",\"customerName\":\"Ravi\",\"customerCity\":\"Ranchi\",\"customerPinCode\":\"834001\",\"customerPhoe\":\"7800078000\",\"customerEmail\":\"\",\"customerAddress\":\"Ggn\",\"udf3\":\"deliveryboy1\",\"udf4\":\"sector14\",\"udf5\":\"cod\",\"outputType\":\"string\"}"); Request request = new Request.Builder() .url("") .method("POST", body) .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") .build(); Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode 'command=generate_dynamic_bharat_qr' \ --data-urlencode 'key=vDy3i7' \ --data-urlencode 'hash=87617bd37d7f2d627c5117ce0f1a97839200870c3281764bad542c90fc9684a2e2108257dfebbb32cfc4c2a83aa4b9bfe7761da745b14b3df2525e75a4eb6846' \ --data-urlencode 'var1={"transactionId":"DBQR1981","transactionAmount":"1","merchantVpa":"gauravdua1.payu@indus","expiryTime":"3600","qrName":"payu","qrCity":"Gurgaon","qrPinCode":"122001","customerName":"Ravi","customerCity":"Ranchi","customerPinCode":"834001","customerPhoe":"7800078000","customerEmail":"","customerAddress":"Ggn","udf3":"deliveryboy1","udf4":"sector14","udf5":"cod","outputType":"string"}'
import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") payload = 'command=generate_dynamic_bharat_qr&key=vDy3i7&hash=87617bd37d7f2d627c5117ce0f1a97839200870c3281764bad542c90fc9684a2e2108257dfebbb32cfc4c2a83aa4b9bfe7761da745b14b3df2525e75a4eb6846&var1=%7B%22transactionId%22%3A%22DBQR1981%22%2C%22transactionAmount%22%3A%221%22%2C%22merchantVpa%22%3A%22gauravdua1.payu%40indus%22%2C%22expiryTime%22%3A%223600%22%2C%22qrName%22%3A%22payu' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } conn.request("POST", "/merchant/postservice.php", payload, headers) res = conn.getresponse() data = print(data.decode("utf-8"))
<?php require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php'; $request = new HTTP_Request2(); $request->setUrl(''); $request->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST); $request->setConfig(array( 'follow_redirects' => TRUE )); $request->setHeader(array( 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' )); $request->addPostParameter(array( 'command' => 'generate_dynamic_bharat_qr', 'key' => 'vDy3i7', 'hash' => '87617bd37d7f2d627c5117ce0f1a97839200870c3281764bad542c90fc9684a2e2108257dfebbb32cfc4c2a83aa4b9bfe7761da745b14b3df2525e75a4eb6846', 'var1' => '{"transactionId":"DBQR1981","transactionAmount":"1","merchantVpa":"gauravdua1.payu@indus","expiryTime":"3600","qrName":"payu","qrCity":"Gurgaon","qrPinCode":"122001","customerName":"Ravi","customerCity":"Ranchi","customerPinCode":"834001","customerPhoe":"7800078000","customerEmail":"","customerAddress":"Ggn","udf3":"deliveryboy1","udf4":"sector14","udf5":"cod","outputType":"string"}' )); try { $response = $request->send(); if ($response->getStatus() == 200) { echo $response->getBody(); } else { echo 'Unexpected HTTP status: ' . $response->getStatus() . ' ' . $response->getReasonPhrase(); } } catch(HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) { echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); }
require "uri" require "net/http" url = URI("") https =, url.port) https.use_ssl = true request = request["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" request.body = "command=generate_dynamic_bharat_qr&key=vDy3i7&hash=87617bd37d7f2d627c5117ce0f1a97839200870c3281764bad542c90fc9684a2e2108257dfebbb32cfc4c2a83aa4b9bfe7761da745b14b3df2525e75a4eb6846&var1=%7B%22transactionId%22%3A%22DBQR1981%22%2C%22transactionAmount%22%3A%221%22%2C%22merchantVpa%22%3A%22gauravdua1.payu%40indus%22%2C%22expiryTime%22%3A%223600%22%2C%22qrName%22%3A%22payu" response = https.request(request) puts response.read_body

Sample response

  • Static UPI QR
{ "qrString": "upi://pay?pa=gauravdua1.payu@indus&pn=smsplus&mc=7399&tr=DYQ13845198863&ver=01&mode=15&orgid=000000&qrMedium=06&cu=INR&purpose=02&pinCode=122002&am=1.00&QRexpire=2021-08-20T17:48:19+05:30" }
  • Static Bharat QR
{ "qrString": "000201010211021644038470007469080415522024070007469061661000307000746960825HDFC00006225020001855322626470010A0000005240129yellowqr.payutest.94@hdfcbank27370010A0000005240119STQ9y45z1cv3z5450925204569153033565802IN5910vendorName6010vendorCity610650017262350519STQ9y45z1cv3z545092070870007469630417EF", }