This section provides the request parameters, sample request and response for a Net Banking Recurring Payment consent transaction or Consent transaction.
During integration with PayU, first integrate with the Test Server environment. PayU will provide you the necessary Merchant Key for the test serve. After testing is done, you are ready to move to the Production server.
Test Environment | |
Production Environment | |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Value |
keymandatory | String The merchant key is a unique identifier for a merchant account in PayU's database. | Your Test Key |
api_versionoptional | String The API version for this API. | 7 |
txnidmandatory | String The transaction ID is a reference number for a specific order that is generated by the merchant. It is used to track the order and must be unique. PayU's system will not accept duplicate transaction IDs.Note: Ensure that the transaction ID sent to us has not been successful earlier. In case of this duplication, the customer would get an error of ‘duplicate Order ID.’ | s7hhDQVWvbhBdN |
amountmandatory | String This field should contain the payment amount for the transaction.The transaction limit is as follows: - Net Banking authentication: Rs.10,00,000 - eNACH Aadhaar authentication: Rs.1,00,000 | 10.00. |
productinfomandatory | String It should be a string containing a brief description of the product.Character Limit-100 | iPhone |
firstnamemandatory | String The first name of the customer.Character Limit-60 | Ashish |
emailmandatory | String The email of the customer.Character Limit-50 | [email protected] |
phonemandatory | String The phone number of the customer. | 9876543210 |
lastnamemandatory | String The last name of the customer.Character Limit-60 | Verma |
address1optional | String The first line of the billing address.Character Limit-100 | H.No- 17, Block C, Kalyan Bldg, Khardilkar Road, Mumbai |
address2optional | String The second line of the billing address.Character Limit-100 | 34 Saikripa-Estate, Tilak Nagar |
cityoptional | String The city where your customer resides as part of the billing address. | Mumbai |
stateoptional | String The state where your customer resides as part of the billing address, | Maharashtra |
countryoptional | String The country where your customer resides.Character Limit-50 | India |
zipcodeoptional | String Billing address zip code is mandatory for the cardless EMI option.Character Limit-20 | 400004 |
simandatory | This parameter signifies a successful consent taken from the user by the merchant. This parameter must contain 1 for a successful consent. Without this parameter sent as 1, subscription cannot be set up. Notes: You can modify or cancel existing recurring payment registration as described in the following sections: . Manage Recurring Payment for Cards . Manage UPI Recurring Transaction | 1 |
si_detailsmandatory | This parameter represents mandatory details which need to be passed to during registration transaction from merchant system to PayU. Note: It is mandatory as per the latest RBI guidelines to pass this information to the payment processor so that same can be forwarded to acquirers and issuers ( for more details refer – ) This is a JSON object and it includes a set of fields. For more information, refer to SI Parameter JSON Details | |
beneficiarydetailmandatory for Net Banking | varchar This object represents bank account details of the customer which involves account number, name on the account and account type and needs to be passed if the recurring transaction needs to be set up against Net Banking. It includes the fields as mentioned in the beneficiarydetail fields description table. | {“beneficiaryName”: “Sachin Tendulkar”,”beneficiaryAccountNumber”: “1211450021”,”beneficiaryAccountType”: “SAVINGS”, “beneficiaryIfscCode“:”ICIC0000046”, “verificationMode”:”DEBIT_CARD”} |
hashmandatory | String It is used to avoid the possibility of transaction tampering. For more information on hash generation process, refer to Generate Hash.In the case of registration transaction, the formula is used to calculate this hash is similar to the following: HASH = SHA512(key|txnid|amount|productinfo|firstname|email|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5||||||si_details|SALT) | eabec285da28fd
c90972 |
pgmandatory | String The pg parameter must include ENACH for Net Banking. | ENACH |
bankcodemandatory | `String. The merchant must post this parameter with the corresponding payment option’s bank code value in it. For more information, refer to Bank Codes - Recurring Payments. | ICICENCC |
udf1 - udf5optional | String User-defined fields (udf) are used to store any information corresponding to a particular transaction. You can use up to five udfs in the post designated as udf1, udf2, udf3, udf4, udf5.Character Limit -255 | Payment Preference, Shipping Method, Shipping Address1, Shipping City, Shipping Zip Code, etc. |
free_trialoptional | This is mandatory only if the merchant wants to support free trial use case with card and net banking together that too on PayU Hosted Checkout integration. In this case, PayU adjusts the transaction amount as INR 2.00 for cards. INR 0.00 for Net Banking and UPI registration irrespective of what amount is passed against the amount field in the request. This parameter has no significance in the case of seamless flow. |
beneficiarydetail fields description
Field | Description |
BeneficiaryName | Registered name against customer’s account |
BeneficiaryAccountNumber | Account number against which recurring transactions need to be executed. |
BeneficiaryAccountType | SAVINGS or CURRENT |
beneficiaryIfscCode | 11-digit IFSC code of the customer bank |
verificationMode | The verification mode can be any of the following: - DEBIT_CARD – authentication will be done through a debit card. If no value is provided, then it will trigger Net Banking login password flow. - AADHAAR – authentication will be done through a Aadhaar card. If no value , then it will trigger net banking login password flow. If no value is provided, then it will trigger Net Banking login password flow. |
Sample request
If the merchant sends any other special characters, then they will be automatically removed. The address parameter will consider only the first 100 characters.
When the transaction POST REQUEST hits the PayU server, a new transaction entry is created in the PayU Database. A unique identifier is created in the PayU database to identify each new transaction. This identifier is known as the PayU ID (or mihpayid).
The Net Banking recurring payment registration is also known as e-Mandate. The request for Net Banking involves the following extra parameters posted compared to Cards or UPI:
- billingCycle
- billingInterval
- paymentStartDate
- paymentEndDate
- billingAmount
- beneficiaryName
- beneficiaryAccountNumber
- beneficiaryAccountType
- ifscCode
- verificationMode (optional)
Sample request with Debit Card as Verification mode
The sample code block for Net Banking Seamless integration (Merchant-Hosted Checkout) with the verificationMode field of the beneficiaryDetail JSON parameter with the values as DEBIT_CARD is similar to the following:
curl -X \
-H \
"accept: application/json" -H \
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d
"key=JP***g&txnid=oRWSUMU4XSQBZn&amount=0.0&firstname=Ashish&[email protected]&phone=9876543210&productinfo=iPhone&si=1&pg=ENACH&bankcode=ICICENCC&surl={“beneficiaryName”: “Ashish Kumar”,”beneficiaryAccountNumber”: “1211450021”,”beneficiaryAccountType”: “SAVINGS”, “beneficiaryIfscCode“:”ICIC0000046”, “verificationMode”:”DEBIT_CARD”} Kumar&hash=dbe874c46dcd68ae8c6dd14d04e213f4dff1f2f89106653f61df3e8cee900df33d976e737a82291dfbea3d54d3c67c403d7371c387a1e9652e27ec682d3dce21"
Sample request with Aadhaar as Verification mode
The sample code block for Net Banking Seamless integration (Merchant-Hosted Checkout) with the verificationMode field of the beneficiaryDetail JSON parameter with the values as Aadhaar is similar to the following:
curl -X \
-H \
"accept: application/json" -H \
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d
"key=JP***g&txnid=oRWSUMU4XSQBZn&amount=0.0&firstname=Ashish&[email protected]&phone=9876543210&productinfo=iPhone&si=1&pg=ENACH&bankcode=ICICENCC&surl={“beneficiaryName”:
“Ashish Kumar”,”beneficiaryAccountNumber”: “1211450021”,”beneficiaryAccountType”: “SAVINGS”, “beneficiaryIfscCode“:”ICIC0000046”, “verificationMode”:”AADHAAR”} Kumar&hash=dbe874c46dcd68ae8c6dd14d04e213f4dff1f2f89106653f61df3e8cee900df33d976e737a82291dfbea3d54d3c67c403d7371c387a1e9652e27ec682d3dce21"
Sample response
For Net Banking, you must ensure that the payment response from PayU has the expected values as described in the following table so that Net Banking registration is successful or initiated successfully with the customer’s bank.
Response Parameter | Expected Value | Description |
status | success | This indicates that the transaction is successful |
payment_source | sist | Indicates that bank details have been marked correctly for Standing Instruction |
mihpayid | <mihpayid number> sent. by PayU | Indicates PayU’s transaction acknowledgment for a Consent transaction |
The response URL returned from PayU is in the form URL format (application/x-www-form-urlencoded).
Parsed response
[mihpayid] => 403993715525331373
[mode] => ENACH
[status] => success
[unmappedstatus] => captured
[key] => JPM7Fg
[txnid] => oRWSUMU4XSQBZn
[amount] => 0.00
[discount] => 0.00
[net_amount_debit] => 0
[addedon] => 2022-02-03 19:06:55
[productinfo] => iPhone
[firstname] => Ashish
[lastname] =>
[address1] =>
[address2] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[country] =>
[zipcode] =>
[email] => [email protected]
[phone] => 9876543210
[udf1] =>
[udf2] =>
[udf3] =>
[udf4] =>
[udf5] =>
[udf6] =>
[udf7] =>
[udf8] =>
[udf9] =>
[udf10] =>
[hash] => f3f8e4088231b190930fc4b87d3f39397d1a1d02622ef4683a983244e1cd5158f39adbb67c3d87dcb4da25ae4a941ebbf55918e4575fa1c39677a774d02c0d2d
[field1] => ENACH285259747472911093
[field2] => 337026657857179355
[field3] =>
[field4] =>
[field5] =>
[field6] =>
[field7] =>
[field8] =>
[field9] => Mandate successfully scheduled at bank end: Your payment is scheduled successfully
[payment_source] => sist
[bank_ref_num] => 450699821592111537
[bankcode] => ICICENCC
[error] => E000
[error_Message] => No Error
Webhook for Getting Transaction Details
You can expose a webhook by requesting the PayU Integration team to configure the same against the ws_online_response parameter. If this webhook is configured, you will receive the above response object over HTTP form post method similar to the following:
If the mandate is not confirmed by the customer or the mandate is confirmed by the customer, but the mandate registration is rejected from the banks, the status is communicated as a “failure” over webhook. For more information, refer to Webhooks.