This API can be used by all the BBPS and Connect billers who support the following validation options:โฏ
- Optional
- Mandatory
Send the scope of the Get Token API as create_transactions to obtain the access_token for this request. For more information, refer to Get Token API - BBPS.
Sample request
curl --location -g --request POST 'https://<hostName>/payu-nbc/v2/nbc/paymentValidation?agentId={agentId}&billerId={billerId}&customerName={customerName}'&customerParams={ "<param1>": <value1>", "<param2>": "<value2>" }&customer&PhoneNumber={contact number}&deviceDetails={ "INITIATING_CHANNEL": "INT", "IP": "<ip>","MAC": "<mac>" }&"customerPhoneNumber": "<contact number>&deviceDetails={ "INITIATING_CHANNEL": "INT","IP": "<ip>", "MAC": "<mac>" }
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}'
Sample response
Success scenario
"code": 200,
"status": "SUCCESS",
"payload": {
"refId": "<reference ID>",
"timeStamp": "<yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss>",
"amount": "<amount to be paid>"
Failure scenario
"code": 600,
"status": "FAILURE",
"payload": {
"errors": [
"reason": "<error Message>",
"errorCode": "<Error Code>"
"refId": <Reference Id>,
"type": "payment_validation ",
"message": "payment_validation_request_failed ",
"additionalParams": null