Update Subscription API

Update subscription interface allows to update merchants to update below parameters of the subscription -

  • authRefId
  • subscriberEmail
  • subscriberMobile
  • customParameters

These details can be passed together or separately in update subscription call as per merchant’s convenience. Please note that they will overwrite existing values present in the current subscription

Post Method: PATCH

Path: {base_url}/api/sub/v1/merchant/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}


X-PayU-Subscription-SignatureSHA512 Signature generated by encrypting request parameters in the body by Merchant Key, Merchant Salt and Plan ID.
merchantIdMerchant Key received during onboarding. For example, smsplus.

X-PayU-Subscription-Signature Generation Method

X-PayU-Subscription-Signature is SHA 512 signature used to provide security layer over existing APIs. Every API will have its own logic to generate X-PayU-Subscription- Signature logic. The following logic must be used:

Signature = SHA512("merchantId:" + merchantId + "|subscriptionId:" + subscriptionId + "|" + merchantSalt)

Sample request body

  "authRefId": "10",
  "subscriberEmail": "sachin.tendulkar@bcci.in",
  "subscriberMobile": "9999999999",
  "customParameter": {
    "Policynumber": "8885533311111",
    "Policytype": "Franklin Life"

Sample response

  "subscriptionId": "5c9517f2652d405ed9834f3f",
  "createdDate": "2019-03-24T06:56:53.871Z",
  "modifiedDate": "2019-03-24T13:33:26.140Z",
  "subscriptionPlans": [
      "planId": "ZION155341061387133",
      "startDate": "2019-03-26T11:00:00.000Z",
      "totalCount": 5,
      "numberOfPaidInvoices": 0,
      "numberOfInvoiceGenerated": 0,
      "status": "Active",
      "deleted": false,
      "nextBillingDates": "2019-03-26T11:00:00Z",
      "lastPaymentDates": null,
      "billingInterval": 1,
      "billingCycle": "DAILY",
      "planName": "Premium",
      "amount": {
        "value": 2,
        "currency": "INR"
  "authRefId": "10",
  "status": "Enabled",
  "subscriberEmail": "sachin.tendulkar@bcci.in",
  "subscriberMobile": "9999999999",
  "customParameter": {
    "Policynumber": "8885533311111",
    "Policytype": "Franklin Life"
  "possibleActions": [
      "action": "Fetch Subscription",
      "href": "{{base-url}}/api/sub/v1/subscription/5c972a35652d405ed9834f52",
      "httpMethod": "GET"
      "action": "Delete Subscription",
      "href": "{{base-url}}/api/sub/v1/subscription/5c972a35652d405ed9834f52",
      "httpMethod": "DELETE"


HTTP status codes

The response body returned as a part of Update Subscription is same as that of Defined Subscription interface along with the following status codes getting returned.

HTTP Status CodeDescription
200Subscription updated successfully
403Forbidden request invalid Signature
400Request is malformed
404Merchant or Plan Id not found
422Request has invalid values
500Interval Server Error